1.1 atha yoganusasanam atha - now (at this auspicious moment: at this point of transition) yoga - samadhi; union; integration; blending anu - within/following; here; as a tradition sasanam - transmission; instruction; teaching; discipline; imparting discipline
Now, the teachings of yoga. With humility (an open heart and mind), we embrace the sacred study of Yoga.
1.2 yogas citta-vrtti-nirodah yogah - yoga (is) citta - energy field called mind in all aspects; mind-field; field of consciousness; consciousness vrtti - (mind-field) states; definitions in the energy field called mind nirodhah - to restrict or suppress
Yoga is to still the patterning of consciousness. Yoga is the unitting of the consciousness in the heart.
1.3 tada drastuh sva-rupe vasthanam tada - then drastuh - of the Seer/Witness sva - in his own rupe - essential or fundamental nature or form ava-sthanam - abides; established; stabilized; settled; remaining; being in a state; appearing; dwelling; resting; radiating
Then pure awareness can abide in its very nature. United in the heart, consciousness is steadied, then we abide in our true nature -- joy.
This movie was made before this project, yet fits Sutra 1.3. The Happiness Recipe by Laurence and Kerry
1.4 vrtti-sarupyam itaratra vrtti - (mind-field) states; definitions in the energy field called mind sarupyam - identification with form or nature; similarity; conformity; assimilation; itaratra - at other times; in other states; elsewhere; otherwise
Otherwise the awareness takes itself to be the patterns of consciousness. At other times, we identify with the rays of consciousness, which fluctuate and encourage our perceived suffering. SUTRA 1.4 Painting by Kerry - Nature of Mind's Activities
1.5 vrttayah pancatayyah klistaklistah vrttayah - waves in the energy-field called mind pancatayyah - fivefold (and of two kinds) klista - to be troubled a-klistah - not troubled
There are five types of patterns, including both hurtful and benign. Dividing into five, these rays of consciousness polarize as pleasant or unpleasant.
SUTRA 1.5 Rap by Laurence
1.6 pramana-viparyaya-vikalpa-nidra-smrtayah pramana - valid means of learning viparaya - misperceptions vikalpa - a verbal construct or conception nidra - sleep smrtayah - memory
They are right perception, misperception, conceptualization, deep sleep, and remembering. They rays manifest as knowledge, misunderstanding, imagination, deep sleep, and memory.