Sutras 12-16
1.12 abhyasa-vairagyabhyam tan-nirodhah
abhyasa - personal application/practice
vairagyabhyam - non-attachment
tad - (of) those
nirodhah - cessation; dissolution; restraint; suppression; control
Both practice and non reaction are required to still the patterning of consciousness.
Consciousness is elevated by Abhyasa (Devoted Practice) and Vairagya (Remembering the Self).
vairagyabhyam - non-attachment
tad - (of) those
nirodhah - cessation; dissolution; restraint; suppression; control
Both practice and non reaction are required to still the patterning of consciousness.
Consciousness is elevated by Abhyasa (Devoted Practice) and Vairagya (Remembering the Self).